Wednesday, April 4, 2012

B is for Books

Print books, e-books, rent or buy.  What's going to happen? Who knows?

When it comes to my own selections, I love print books. I love the smell of the binding and ink. I love the notes cribbed in to used books in old second-hand shops, surprises left by strangers whose only connection to me is a love of  good writing.  I also own an e-reader (a Kindle, to be exact). I can also read books on my phone and computer. My e-book purchases tend to be more reference books or volumes that are just too big for me to carry around. I enjoy my e-reader (especially when I don't have to lug 100+ books everywhere).

When it comes to text books, I'm a little more flexible. I understand that e-books are usually cheaper, and they're a lot lighter, as all of them can be loaded on to a laptop or e-reader. I also don't get too upset if the books are rented.  As long as the student gets the correct book and gets their work in on time, I'm good.

What's the future of text books? The publishers love to save on printing costs. They also like being able to come out with new editions as often as possible The idea of a more green text book, that doesn't require trees for paper or gas for shipping is appealing to many people, so the push towards more e-books doesn't seem far-fetched..   Some professors don't care for them, but pretty soon, we may not have a choice in the matter.


  1. e-books are usually cheaper, and they're a lot lighter--- and that will, sadly, win out in the end.

    Look forward to your challenge posts...

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  2. I love physical books as well. I have never used an e-reader, as I take great pride in my library. I have shelves and shelves of books, and cannot imagine reading any other way.

    I suppose I will have to, soon.

    I have seen an e-reader, and noticed that the screen was quite matte - different from a computer screen. This may make all the difference...

  3. I too wrote of books today...are they just great!!! I have a kindle fire and I love being able to take my books everywhere with me.

  4. NO! I will not allow that! A lot of people won't allow that, plus it's not reasonable because say the electricity dies, where are the e-books then?

    Physical books will be here till they are forced to stop getting printed.

  5. Will print books ever be replaced in my heart? No, because it's not just my mind that's stimulated, but all of my senses (although I have held off the urge to take a bite out of a paperback). I am confident that I'm not the only one. My posts in this blog are focused of academics and text books, which are a different animal. I don't remember feeling so romantic about my chemistry text book, after all.

  6. Hello,

    What a wonderful post! I found you on the A to Z Challenge, and I will definitely be back to read more of your lovely writing!! Keep up the great work.

    I, for one, like a print book to hold in my hands and dog-ear the pages. Maybe I am in the minority though?

    Stop over at my site too if you get a chance. :) I write humor stuff (or sometimes serious stuff that people laugh at? Does that make it humor then?).


  7. I will always love the feel and the smell of a print book. My eyes, I think, prefer to read on paper over a computer screen, but I still do a ton of reading online. I don't own a Kindle yet. I agree with the convenience of not having to haul around the heavier books! For traveling I would definitely like a Kindle full of books.

    Thanks for stopping by! I'm still trying to figure out what I want to write. I seem to come back to fun fairy tale kinds of fiction, and research/archive/biography article type stuff in non-fiction. My favorite books are too many to mention. Currently reading Mockingjay.
