Friday, April 6, 2012

C is for Classes

Hello again!

Today's topic is "Classes," because there is no two ways around it: If you're a student, you have some sort of class to deal with.  Oh, and how we fret over them! Who's teaching the course ( being the place that instructors go when they feel too good about themselves)? What time is it? Do I have to buy the book?

The only important thing to do is to be there. Not just physically (see my post on attendance for more on that), but mentally.  Especially in the college/university setting, spoon feeding is not an option.  In addition, your professor is not given bonus points to give a passing grade just because you're likable.  Higher education is an option you choose. However you feel about it in the moment, you signed up, so get in there and be ready to contribute.

You may end up glad you did, but I'll never tell. ;)


  1. of the many things I regret from my graduate and post-graduate schooling. When I started law school in 2000, they had just hooked up ethernet at all the seats in every classroom. So we all connected and would chat away with one another and not pay one bit of attention. Luckily, I'm decently intelligent and still managed to do well, but I didn't retain nearly the amount I could have, had I just disconnected.


  2. It always stunned me how many people in my college classes either never showed up, or showed up and spent the whole class period talking. Maybe they were lucky and had people paying for those classes for them...but so few of them seemed to be there mentally.

  3. Great C post...I liked kindergarten so much I never left....teaching for 27 years now. Good luck with the new quarter :)
